Coparenting with the Holy Spirit is a book written as a guide to help parents partner with the Spirit of God to receive the help needed to raise their children. The author shares her individual experiences with the Holy Spirit as a Coparent and Helper. Assisting her with raising her daughter. This book is divided into appropriate chapters to help usher parents into this new revelation. Understanding the silent plights of many parents out there, the author’s desire is for parents to step into this realm. A realm where the Holy Spirit comes on board the parenting ship to lighten the heavy load parents are carrying. Every chapter in this book ends with a prayer, because she is aware of the importance of prayer in the life of a believer. Coparenting with the Holy Spirit is a compact yet powerful read. The author is confident that the information in this book has the power to transform parenting for as many that will read and apply its content. The aim of this book is to first shift the mindsets of parents when it comes to their children and to open them up to limitless possibilities the Holy Spirit desires to accomplish in their individual parenting journeys. This book was entirely written by the leading of and under the supervision of the Holy Spirit. Its contents are not merely the authors thoughts penned down, but the heart of God intricately shared with His people. Coparenting with the Holy Spirit is available in e-book format at www.jayavicare.com and will be available in hard copy soon.
At JAYAVI, we believe that nature has more than enough to cater for you hair. To give you that long healthy hair your so desire. I mean, it did it for me and my daughter. Our products are 100% natural, vegan, cruelty free and handmade with love and prayer. With ingredients you can pronounce, our blend of our favorite carrier oils, essential oils and herbs from East Asia, Northern Africa and America have been sourced to create our hair growth formula for all hair types.
I’ve heard people say, growing long hair is based on genetics and only people from a certain race are privy to this blessing. Our response is, the God that created the entire universe has more integrity than to only give some of His creation the ability to grow long hair. Let JAYAVI show you what your hair was created do!
It is our passion to see people, especially black women know that their hair is God’s gift to them. You think you hair can’t grow? We believe differently! Try us.
Our Children’s line is coming soon under the “AVIELLA COLLECTION”. Follow our social media platforms for updates.
WE SHIP WITHIN THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, UNITED KINGDOM. Prospective JAYAVI Customers outside these regions, please send an email to jayavicare@yahoo.com for inquiries. We might be able to make an exception for you!
Face of JAYAVI
JAYAVI is a Christian Beauty and lifestyle brand that relies solely on nature to create formulas, that cater to your needs. 1 Corinthians 11:15 “And isn’t long hair a woman’s pride and joy, for it has been given to her as a covering”
We believe your hair is God given so we use God’s creation (nature) to care for it.
About 6 years ago, I bought a hair product that promised one thing and delivered nothing. It didn’t only shatter my hopes, it completely damaged my hair beyond redemption. I had to cut it all off. After that incident, I embarked on a journey to grow my hair without chemicals. With oils and natural remedies, I was able to achieve waist length hair (and I had some hair cuts in between). In over 5 years, I have not worn a wig or weaves. That can be your testimony too. With our products, you will only wear wigs/weaves because you want to, not because you have to!
“I love the smell and weirdly it’s not very oily. I like that. The oil is good, I have noticed my hair grew back faster. My beard too. It’s a bit darker and looks healthier. It is working”